Friday, April 25, 2008

Facebook rocks ...

yes, i'm getting more and more of a facebook addict nowadays, and as everyday know, there's loads of applications ranging from must-haves to those that are utterly rubbish. So more often than not, I don't really pay attention them em' though I'm aware how many buckaroos or karma points they earn me, hey, not that it pays the bills and keeps the boss happy, so yea, i'm not an application-slave. But this came in yesterday and being the forever insecure me, I gave it a try, just about 4 questions to answer and the result ... totally caught me by surprise and blew me away!

It's one of those birthday reading thingie basically ... so here it goes

Your birthday means that you are an early morning person.

You like water and water sports, and your best colors are blue and gray. You are artistic and love to express yourself in many different ways. While you tend to be more of an introverted person, that does not mean you sit at home. On the contrary, you have the best ideas when it comes to going places and finding things to do. You are very innovative and excel at creativity...

wow... how true! man, i never thought internet prediction could get that eerily closed to reality!

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